


Turkish Black Sea Fleet:
Carrier Card, Ship Data Sheets

By Mike Bennighof, Ph.D.
April 2014

Our New Year’s 2014 Golden Journal includes a large variant for Great War at Sea: Mediterranean, featuring the Russian Black Sea Fleet captured by the Turks and turned against the Allies – a prospect feared by the British and French, and attempted unsuccessfully by the Germans and Turks. The Journal issue includes 25 lovely scorchless, sootless laser-cut playing pieces showing these ships in Turkish colors (plus a seaplane!) and scenarios to use them.

Here we have some downloadable play aids for the variant:

Turkish seaplane carrier card, in color.

Turkish seaplane carrier card, black and white.

Turkish Black Sea Fleet ship data sheets.

The Golden Journal is only available to members of the Gold Club. Click here to find out how to join.