Golden Journal Number 31:
Deluxe Bismarck
Several times a year, when we feel like it, the Golden Journal brings Gold Club members a set of extras for their Avalanche Press games. Our new-model Golden Journal features a “real” booklet, just like a small magazine, and a small set of die-cut, silky-smooth playing pieces.
Our 31st issue features giant-sized playing pieces for Second World War at Sea: Bismarck. You get the twelve battleships and battle cruisers that see the most action in the battle scenarios on the same huge pieces we use for Zeppelins and Rome at War. They’re die-cut, they’re silky-smooth, and they have completely new artwork. The printing process is far more precise than the old method, so we had to create far more detailed drawings.
You get huge pieces for Bismarck, Tirpitz, Hood, Rodney, Prince of Wales, Texas – all the big and famous ships. You don’t need these pieces to play Bismarck; they’re the same as the pieces in the game. Just way bigger and way nicer. If you actually play your games, then you need these pieces. They increase the fun level by precisely 142.6 percent. And of course we have background pieces about the game (Bismarck) and the ships. It wouldn’t be the Golden Journal otherwise.
How do you get it? You can get it for $12.99 by joining the Gold Club, or for $19.99 right now. It’s only available directly from us.
• Publisher's Preview
Stock Code: APL6031
Price: $14.99 (Gold Club exclusive)
Status: Available Now
Click here to join the Gold Club.
Triple Bismarck
Bismarck (Playbook edition)
Bismarck: Force de Raid
Journal No. 31: Deluxe Bismarck
Retail Price: $112.97
Package Price: $90
Gold Club Price: $72
You can order Triple Bismarck right here.