Rome at War

The Persian Front
Rome at War: The Persian Front is all about the campaigns fought by Imperial Rome and Sassanid Persia between 337 and 384 AD. Those included bloody field battles (including a true rarity in the ancient world, a large-scale battle fought at night) and epic sieges. It’s a two-stage game, much like our naval games: a simple operational game, where you move armies on a campaign map, and then the battles or sieges when they come together.
Sassanian Wars
Sassanian Wars is a 128-page history of the Roman-Persian Wars of the 4th Century AD, between the Roman Emperors Constantius II and Julian the Apostate on the one side, and King of Kings Shapur II the Great of Sassanid Persia on the other. We talk about the campaigns, about the Sassanian and Roman societies and armies, and what brought these empires into a protracted and bitter struggle over lands neither particularly wanted.